hydrotools.nwm_client.NWMClientDefaults module

NWM Client Defaults

Manages default options to build National Water Model clients.



class hydrotools.nwm_client.NWMClientDefaults.MeasurementUnitSystem(value)

Bases: Enum

A system of units to define measurements. Options are SI or US.

SI = 'SI'
US = 'US'
class hydrotools.nwm_client.NWMClientDefaults.NWMClientDefaults(STORE: ~hydrotools.nwm_client.ParquetStore.ParquetStore = <factory>, CATALOG: ~hydrotools.nwm_client.NWMFileCatalog.NWMFileCatalog = <factory>, SSL_CONTEXT: ~ssl.SSLContext = <factory>, ROUTELINK_URL: str = 'https://www.hydroshare.org/resource/e9fe66730d184bdfbaea19639bd7cb55/data/contents/RouteLink.h5', VARIABLES: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, NWM_TO_SI_UNIT_MAPPING: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>, SI_TO_US_UNIT_MAPPING: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>, DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY: ~pathlib.Path = PosixPath('hydrotools_data/NWMFileClient_NetCDF_files'), UNIT_SYSTEM: ~hydrotools.nwm_client.NWMClientDefaults.MeasurementUnitSystem = <factory>)

Bases: object

Stores application default options.

STORE: Configured ParquetStore instance. Default is class level object, not instance object. CATALOG: Concrete NWM data source instance. SSL_CONTEXT: ssl context instance. Default is class level object, not instance object. ROUTELINK_URL: URL string path that points at an HDF5 file containing a

pandas.DataFrame with NWM crosswalk data.

VARIABLES: default list of variables to retrieve from channel_rt files. NWM_TO_SI_UNIT_MAPPING: mapping from NWM units to pint compatible metric unit symbols SI_TO_US_UNIT_MAPPING: mapping from SI units to default US standard conversion units CROSSWALK: A property that generates a pandas.DataFrame that maps between

point feature data source identifiers (i.e. USGS gage id -> NWM feature ID).

NWM_TO_US_UNIT_CONVERSION: Propertying mapping NWM units to US standard units and conversion factors DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY: Local path to save downloaded NWM files. Default is class level object, not instance object. UNIT_SYSTEM: Default system of measurements.

property CROSSWALK: DataFrame

Retrieve and store a default crosswalk for use by a NWM client.

DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY: Path = PosixPath('hydrotools_data/NWMFileClient_NetCDF_files')
NWM_TO_SI_UNIT_MAPPING: Dict[str, str]
property NWM_TO_US_UNIT_CONVERSION: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]

Mapping from NWM units to US standard units and respective conversion factors.

SI_TO_US_UNIT_MAPPING: Dict[str, str]
STORE: ParquetStore
UNIT_SYSTEM: MeasurementUnitSystem
VARIABLES: List[str]

Retrieve NWM RouteLink data from URL and return a dask.dataframe.DataFrame.


df – DataFrame containing associated location metadata.

Return type:
