hydrotools._restclient.urllib module

class hydrotools._restclient.urllib.Url(url: str | ~hydrotools._restclient.urllib.Url, *, quote_treatment: ~hydrotools._restclient.urllib_types.Quote = <object object>, safe: str = <object object>, quote_overide_map: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = {})

Bases: UserString, str

Treat urls analogous to pathlib.Path’s treatment of paths.


Concatenate urls using the forward slash operator (see equivalent Url.joinurl) >>> url = Url(”https://www.test.gov”) / “api” / “feature” >>> print(url) >>> https://www.test.gov/api/feature

Append url query using the plus operator (see equivalent Url.add method) >>> url = url + {“format”: “json”, “sites”: [1,2,3]} >>> print(url) >>> https://www.test.gov/api/feature?format=json&sites=1&sites=2&sites=3

Automagically unquote urls >>> o = Url(”https://www.test.gov/?quoted=%27args%27”) >>> print(o) >>> https://www.test.gov/?quoted=’args’ >>> # Re-quote the url >>> print(o.quote_url) >>> https://www.test.gov/?quoted=%27args%27

Supports comparing quoted and unquoted urls >>> o = Url(”https://www.test.gov/?quoted=%27args%27”) >>> o2 = Url(”https://www.test.gov/?quoted=’args’”) >>> assert o == o2 # True

Note: By default, the “/” is treated as a safe character that is not escaped in url path’s and query’s. This can be changed with the safe key word argument. Likewise, url path’s and query’s are quoted using urllib.parse.quote_plus, where spaces are replaced with +`s to support building queries. Urls are unquoted using urllib.parse.unquote_plus to mirror the behavior when unquoting. To change this behavior, use the `quote_treatment keyword argument and pass a member from the hydrotools._restclient.Quote enum. Options are Quote.QUOTE, Quote.QUOTE_PLUS, or Quote.QUOTE_FROM_BYTES. The quote_overide_map option allows explicit remapping of a character or set of characters in the encoded form of the url. An example use of quote_overide_map is to remap + to %2B, its escaped literal form. This behavior is not supported in urllib.parse which either does not escape + or escapes it as %20. Url instances passed to Url (e.g. Url(Url(“http://www.test.gov”, quote_treatment=Quote.QUOTE, safe=”/+”)) retain non-default quote and safe options unless a non-default quote_treatment / safe / quote_overide_map value is specified respectively.

urls are unquoted at construction time for Url object comparison sake equivalency and readability.

url query parameter values passed as either a list or tuple are represented with individual key=value pairs each seperated by the & (i.e. {“key”: [“v_0”, “v_1”]} -> key=v_0&key=v_1).

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
static _build_parse_result(url: ParseResult, *, scheme=None, netloc=None, path=None, params=None, query=None, fragment=None) ParseResult
static _build_parse_result_cast_to_url(url: ~urllib.parse.ParseResult, *, quote_treatment: ~hydrotools._restclient.urllib_types.Quote = <object object>, safe: str = <object object>, quote_overide_map: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = {}, **kwargs) Url
static _clean_parse_result(url: ParseResult, unquote_treatment: Quote = Quote.QUOTE_PLUS) ParseResult
static _validate_construction(url: ParseResult)
add(b: Dict[str, PRIMITIVE | List[PRIMITIVE]]) Url

Add/append query parameters to Url object url via a dictionary. Dictionary values are either specified as either a primitive or list of primitives. Url query parameter values passed in list are represented with individual key=value pairs each seperated by the & (i.e. {“key”: [“v_0”, “v_1”]} -> key=v_0&key=v_1).


b (Dict[str, Union[PRIMITIVE, List[PRIMITIVE]]]) – mapping of query keywords to query values


New Url instance including provided query parameters

Return type:



>>> url = Url("https://www.test.gov") / "api" / "feature"
>>> url = url.add({"format": "json", "sites": [1,2,3]})
>>> # or equivalently
>>> url = url + {"format": "json", "sites": [1,2,3]}
>>> print(url)
>>> https://www.test.gov/api/feature?format=json&sites=1&sites=2&sites=3
joinurl(b: str) Url

Append path to Url url. Erronenous /`s are automatically removed. A single trailing `/ is respected if desired but will not be included if not specified.

Urls can also be joined using the / opporator. This is equivalent to calling the Url.joinurl method. As such, it is recommended to use the more idiomatic / opporator.


b (str) – url path to append


New Url instance with appended path, b.

Return type:



>>> url = Url("https://www.test.gov")
>>> url.joinurl("api")
>>> # or equivalently
>>> url = url / "api"
>>> print(url)
>>> https://www.test.gov/api
property quote_treatment: str

Method for handling quoted characters

property quote_url: str

Quoted string representation of url. Urls quoted using urllib.parse.quote_plus.

property url: str

Unquoted string representation of url

class hydrotools._restclient.urllib.Variadic(values: List | Tuple, *, delimeter: str = ',')

Bases: UserString, str

join list or tuple on some delimeter. The is useful when specifying arguments in a URL that do not conform to the &key=value&key=value2 convention.


>>> from hydrotools.restclient import ClientSession, Url, Variadic
>>> url = Url("https://www.test.gov")
>>> url = url + {"this": Variadic(["that", "the", "other"])}
>>> print(url.url)
>>> https://www.test.gov/?this=that,the,other
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
encode(encoding: str = Ellipsis, errors: str = Ellipsis) bytes

Encode the string using the codec registered for encoding.


The encoding in which to encode the string.


The error handling scheme to use for encoding errors. The default is ‘strict’ meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are ‘ignore’, ‘replace’ and ‘xmlcharrefreplace’ as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.