hydrotools._restclient.urllib module¶
- class hydrotools._restclient.urllib.Url(url: str | ~hydrotools._restclient.urllib.Url, *, quote_treatment: ~hydrotools._restclient.urllib_types.Quote = <object object>, safe: str = <object object>, quote_overide_map: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = {})¶
Treat urls analogous to pathlib.Path’s treatment of paths.
Concatenate urls using the forward slash operator (see equivalent Url.joinurl) >>> url = Url(”https://www.test.gov”) / “api” / “feature” >>> print(url) >>> https://www.test.gov/api/feature
Append url query using the plus operator (see equivalent Url.add method) >>> url = url + {“format”: “json”, “sites”: [1,2,3]} >>> print(url) >>> https://www.test.gov/api/feature?format=json&sites=1&sites=2&sites=3
Automagically unquote urls >>> o = Url(”https://www.test.gov/?quoted=%27args%27”) >>> print(o) >>> https://www.test.gov/?quoted=’args’ >>> # Re-quote the url >>> print(o.quote_url) >>> https://www.test.gov/?quoted=%27args%27
Supports comparing quoted and unquoted urls >>> o = Url(”https://www.test.gov/?quoted=%27args%27”) >>> o2 = Url(”https://www.test.gov/?quoted=’args’”) >>> assert o == o2 # True
Note: By default, the “/” is treated as a safe character that is not escaped in url path’s and query’s. This can be changed with the safe key word argument. Likewise, url path’s and query’s are quoted using urllib.parse.quote_plus, where spaces are replaced with +`s to support building queries. Urls are unquoted using urllib.parse.unquote_plus to mirror the behavior when unquoting. To change this behavior, use the `quote_treatment keyword argument and pass a member from the hydrotools._restclient.Quote enum. Options are Quote.QUOTE, Quote.QUOTE_PLUS, or Quote.QUOTE_FROM_BYTES. The quote_overide_map option allows explicit remapping of a character or set of characters in the encoded form of the url. An example use of quote_overide_map is to remap + to %2B, its escaped literal form. This behavior is not supported in urllib.parse which either does not escape + or escapes it as %20. Url instances passed to Url (e.g. Url(Url(“http://www.test.gov”, quote_treatment=Quote.QUOTE, safe=”/+”)) retain non-default quote and safe options unless a non-default quote_treatment / safe / quote_overide_map value is specified respectively.
urls are unquoted at construction time for Url object comparison sake equivalency and readability.
url query parameter values passed as either a list or tuple are represented with individual key=value pairs each seperated by the & (i.e. {“key”: [“v_0”, “v_1”]} -> key=v_0&key=v_1).
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- static _build_parse_result(url: ParseResult, *, scheme=None, netloc=None, path=None, params=None, query=None, fragment=None) ParseResult ¶
- static _build_parse_result_cast_to_url(url: ~urllib.parse.ParseResult, *, quote_treatment: ~hydrotools._restclient.urllib_types.Quote = <object object>, safe: str = <object object>, quote_overide_map: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = {}, **kwargs) Url ¶
- static _clean_parse_result(url: ParseResult, unquote_treatment: Quote = Quote.QUOTE_PLUS) ParseResult ¶
- static _validate_construction(url: ParseResult)¶
- add(b: Dict[str, PRIMITIVE | List[PRIMITIVE]]) Url ¶
Add/append query parameters to Url object url via a dictionary. Dictionary values are either specified as either a primitive or list of primitives. Url query parameter values passed in list are represented with individual key=value pairs each seperated by the & (i.e. {“key”: [“v_0”, “v_1”]} -> key=v_0&key=v_1).
- Parameters:
b (Dict[str, Union[PRIMITIVE, List[PRIMITIVE]]]) – mapping of query keywords to query values
- Returns:
New Url instance including provided query parameters
- Return type:
>>> url = Url("https://www.test.gov") / "api" / "feature" >>> url = url.add({"format": "json", "sites": [1,2,3]}) >>> # or equivalently >>> url = url + {"format": "json", "sites": [1,2,3]} >>> print(url) >>> https://www.test.gov/api/feature?format=json&sites=1&sites=2&sites=3
- joinurl(b: str) Url ¶
Append path to Url url. Erronenous /`s are automatically removed. A single trailing `/ is respected if desired but will not be included if not specified.
Urls can also be joined using the / opporator. This is equivalent to calling the Url.joinurl method. As such, it is recommended to use the more idiomatic / opporator.
- Parameters:
b (str) – url path to append
- Returns:
New Url instance with appended path, b.
- Return type:
>>> url = Url("https://www.test.gov") >>> url.joinurl("api") >>> # or equivalently >>> url = url / "api" >>> print(url) >>> https://www.test.gov/api
- property quote_treatment: str¶
Method for handling quoted characters
- property quote_url: str¶
Quoted string representation of url. Urls quoted using urllib.parse.quote_plus.
- property url: str¶
Unquoted string representation of url
- class hydrotools._restclient.urllib.Variadic(values: List | Tuple, *, delimeter: str = ',')¶
join list or tuple on some delimeter. The is useful when specifying arguments in a URL that do not conform to the &key=value&key=value2 convention.
>>> from hydrotools.restclient import ClientSession, Url, Variadic >>> url = Url("https://www.test.gov") >>> url = url + {"this": Variadic(["that", "the", "other"])} >>> print(url.url) >>> https://www.test.gov/?this=that,the,other
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>¶
- encode(encoding: str = Ellipsis, errors: str = Ellipsis) bytes ¶
Encode the string using the codec registered for encoding.
- encoding
The encoding in which to encode the string.
- errors
The error handling scheme to use for encoding errors. The default is ‘strict’ meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are ‘ignore’, ‘replace’ and ‘xmlcharrefreplace’ as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.