No Matches
NextGen on CONUS

This documentation provides instructions on all neccessary steps and components to run NextGen jobs at CONUS scale. Considering the computation's large scale, we focus only on running parallel jobs using MPI.

  • Summary
  • Download the Codes
  • Setting Up the Environment
  • Build the Executable
  • CONUS Hydrofabric
  • Generate Partition For Parallel Computation
  • Prepare the Input Data
  • Build the Realization Configurations
  • Run Computations with submodules
  • Resource Usage
  • Run Computation with Topmodel
  • Run Computation with Routing


This is a tutorial-like documentation. We provide suficient details in the hope that by following this document step by step, you can run NextGen computations from simple to sophisticated realization that models simple test examples to realistic cases. Throughout this document, we assume a Linux operating system environment.

Download the Codes

To download the ngen source code, run the following commands:

git clone cd ngen

Then we need all the submodule codes. So run the command below:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Setting up the Environment

For setting up the build and computation environment, we refer the users to our documentation chapter for details. Basically, you will need to have access to C/C++ compiler, MPI, Boost, NetCDF, Cmake, SQLite3. Some of them may already be on your system. Otherwise, you have to install your own version. There are also some required software packages that come with ngen as submodules, such as Udunits libraries, pybind11, and iso_c_fortran_bmi.

You most likely need to use Python. For that we recommend setting up a virtual environment. For details, see After setting up the Python virtual environment and activating it, you may need install additional python modules depending on what ngen submodules you want to run.

Build the Executable

After setting up the environment variables, we need to first build the necessary dynamically linked libraries. Although ngen has the capability for automated building of submodule libraries, we build them explicitly so that users have a better understanding. For simplicity, we display the content a script which we name it build_libs.

cmake -B extern/sloth/cmake_build -S extern/sloth && \
make -C extern/sloth/cmake_build && \
cmake -B extern/cfe/cmake_build -S extern/cfe/cfe/ -DNGEN=ON && \
make -C extern/cfe/cmake_build && \
cmake -B extern/topmodel/cmake_build -S extern/topmodel && \
make -C extern/topmodel/cmake_build && \
cmake -B extern/iso_c_fortran_bmi/cmake_build -S extern/iso_c_fortran_bmi && \
make -C extern/iso_c_fortran_bmi/cmake_build && \
cmake -B extern/noah-owp-modular/cmake_build -S extern/noah-owp-modular -DNGEN_IS_MAIN_PROJECT=ON && \
make -C extern/noah-owp-modular/cmake_build && \
cmake -B extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration/cmake_build -S extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration && \
make -C extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration/cmake_build && \
cmake -B extern/sloth/cmake_build -S extern/sloth && \
make -C extern/sloth/cmake_build && \
cmake -B extern/SoilFreezeThaw/SoilFreezeThaw/cmake_build -S extern/SoilFreezeThaw/SoilFreezeThaw -DNGEN=ON && \
cmake --build extern/SoilFreezeThaw/SoilFreezeThaw/cmake_build --target sftbmi -- -j 2 && \
cmake -B extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles/cmake_build -S extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles -DNGEN=ON && \
cmake --build extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles/cmake_build --target smpbmi -- -j 2 &&

Copy the content into the file named build_libs and run the command:

source build_libs

This will build all libraries we need to run ngen at the time of this writing.

Then, with the Python virtual environment activated, we can build the MPI executable using the following script:

cmake -S . -B cmake_build_mpi -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/local/lib/bin/mpicc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/local/lib/bin/mpicxx \
-DBOOST_ROOT=<path-to-Boost-ROOT-Dir> \
-DNetCDF_ROOT=<path-to-NetCDF-ROOT-dir> \
cmake --build cmake_build_mpi --target all -j 8

For the meaning of each option in the script, see ngen/wiki build page.

Suppose the above script is named build_mpi, execute the following command to build:

source build_mpi

This will build an executable in the cmake_build_mpi directory named ngen and another named partitionGenerator as well as all the unit tests in the cmake_build_mpi/test.

CONUS Hydrofabric

The CONUS hydrofabric is downloaded from here. The file name under the list is conus.gpkg. Note that since the data there is continually evolving, a newer version may be available in the future. When using a newer version, be mindful that the corresponding initial configuration file generation and validation for all submodules at CONUS scale is necessary, which may be a non-trivial process due to the sheer size of the spatial scale.

As the file is fairly large, it is worth some consideration to store it in a proper place, then simply build a symbolic link in the ngen home directory, thus named ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg. Note the easiest way to create the symbolic link is to create a hydrofabric directory and then create a link to that directory.

Generate Partition For Parallel Computation

For parallel computation using MPI on hydrofabric, a partition generate tool is used to partition the hydrofabric features ids into a number of partitions equal to the number of MPI processing CPU cores. To generate the partition file, run the following command:

./cmake-build_mpi/partitionGenerator ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg ./partition_config_32.json 32 '' ''

In the command above, conus.gpkg is the NextGen hydrofabric version 2.01 for CONUS, partition_config_32.json is the partition file that contains all features ids and their interconnected network information. The number 32 is intended number of processing cores for running parallel build ngen using MPI. The last two empty strings, as indicated by ‘’'`, indicate there is no subsetting, i.e., we intend to run the whole CONUS hydrofabric.

Prepare the Input Data

Input data includes the forcing data and initial parameter data for various submodules. These depend on what best suits the user's need. For our case, as of this documentation, beside forcing data, which can be accessed at ./forcing/ using the symbolic link scheme, we also generated initial input data for various submodules noah-owp-modular, PET, CFE, SoilMoistureProfiles (SMP), SoilFreezeThaw (SFT). The first three are located in ./conus_config/, the SMP initial configs are located in ./conus_smp_configs/ and the SFT initial configs are located in ./conus_sft_configs/. For code used to generate the initial config files for the various modules, the interested users are directed to this web location.

The users are warned that since the simulated region is large, some of the initial config parameters values for some catchments may be unsuitable and cause the ngen execution to stop due to errors. Usually, in such cases, either ngen or the submodule itself may provide some hint as to the catchment ids or the location of the code that caused the error. Users may follow these hints to figure out as to which initial input parameter or parameters are initialized with inappropriate values. In the case of SFT, an initial value of smcmax=1.0 would be too large. In the case of SMP, an initial value of b=0.01 would be too small, for example.

Build the Realization Configurations

The realization configuration file, in JSON format, contains high level information to run a ngen simulation, such as interconnected submodules, paths to forcing file, shared libraries, initialization parameters, duration of simulation, I/O variables, etc. We have built the realization configurations for several commonly used submodules which are located in data/baseline/. These are built by adding one submodule at a time, performing a test run for a 10 day simulation. The successive submodules used are:

sloth (conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth.json)
sloth+noah-owp-modular (conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah.json)
sloth+noah-owp-modular+pet (conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet.json)
sloth+noah-owp-modular+pet+cfe (conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_cfe.json)
sloth+noah-owp-modular+pet+smp (conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp.json)
sloth+noah-owp-modular+pet+smp+sft (conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp_sft.json)
sloth+noah-owp-modular+pet+smp+sft+cfe (conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp_sft_cfe.json)

Run Computations with Submodules

With all preparation steps completed, we are now ready to run computations. We use MPI as our parallel processing application with 32 cores as an example. Users are free to choose whatever number cores they want, just make sure you will need to have the appropriate corresponding partition JSON file for the number of cores used. The command line for running a MPI job is as follows:

For a simple example run and quick turn around, you can run:

mpirun -n 32 ./cmake_build_mpi/ngen ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' data/baseline/conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth.json conus_partition_32.json

For a more substantial example simulation, you can run:

mpirun -n 32 ./cmake_build_mpi/ngen ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' data/baseline/conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah.json conus_partition_32.json

For an example taking into account more realistic contributions, you can try:

mpirun -n 32 ./cmake_build_mpi/ngen ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' data/baseline/conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp_sft_cfe.json conus_partition_32.json

where ngen is the executable we build in the Building the Executable section. All other terms have been discussed above in details. With the current existing realization config files, the above jobs run 10 days simulation time on CONUS scale.

Be aware that the above commands will generate over a million output files associated with catchment and nexus ids. In the realization config files used above, we have specified a directory ./output_dir/ to store these files. If you cd to ./output_dir and issue a ls command, it will be significantly slower than usual to list all the file names. You can choose a different output file directory name than ./output_dir/ by modifying the directory name in the realization configuration file if you prefer. Note that you need to create the output file directory before running the executable.

Resource Usage

The following table lists the CPU wall clock ime used for various realization configurations running 10 day simulation time. The timing values reported in the table are from single run, not from average. Note in particular that the Initialization Time may be significantly affected by system loads at the time of job start.

Realization Number of CPUs Initialization Time (s) Computation Time (s) Total Time (s)
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth.json 32 2618.6 737.4 3356.0
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah.json 32 1360.1 2143.9 3504.0
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet.json 32 3204.0 2106.5 5310.5
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_cfe.json 32 1214.9 4069.2 5284.1
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp.json 32 1453.4 3087.0 4540.4
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp_sft.json 32 3245.7 3808.1 7053.8
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp_sft_cfe.json 32 1354.7 5283.1 6637.8

The abreviation used for submodule names in the table:

  • noah - noah-owp-modular
  • pet - potential evapotranspiration
  • cfe - Conceptual functional equivalence
  • smp - SoilMoistureProfiles
  • sft - SoilFreezeThaw

Run Computation with Topmodel

To be added

Run Computation with Routing

To run computation on CONUS with routing, we need to build the executable with the routing option turned on. This can be done using the build script displayed in the Build the Executable section, and ensure both -DNGEN_WITH_PYTHON:BOOL=ON and -DNGEN_WITH_ROUTING:BOOL=ON are enabled. Then, you can run the script to build the ngen executable.

You also need to build the t-route submodule. First, as the vendored t-route submodule is out of date, to get the latest version, you need to remove the old t-route and run git clone in the extern directory. For building t-route in general, we refer to the documentation for essential details. We just want to add some additional discussion here to make the process easier. Note that there is more than one way to build t-route. Do cd t-route, then run:

FC=mpif90 NETCDFINC=<path-to-netcdf-include-directory> ./

This will let you use the NetCDF library that you want to build t-route. Alternatively, you can edit the file, note these comment lines in the script:

#if you have custom dynamic library paths, uncomment below and export them

You can uncomment the second line above and put your NetCDF library in the path. In addition, change this line:

export NETCDFINC=/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64/

to the path to your NetCDF include directory, i.e.

export NETCDFINC=<path to your NetCDF include directory>

Then, run the command:

FC=mpif90 ./

After successfully building t-route, you can run ngen with routing. Note that we have several realization configuration files and the routing_config_CONUS.yaml file for running ngen with routing. The realization configuration file and routing_config_CONUS.yaml specify where the input and output files are. For routing, we assume the existence of a stream_output_dir directory for writing output files. You need to do mkdir stream_output_dir before running ngen. With that, we can run an example with the command:

mpirun -n 32 ./cmake_build_mpi/ngen ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' ./hydrofabric/conus.gpkg '' data/baseline/conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_cfe_trt.json conus_partition_32.json

If your run is successful, you should see the directory stream_output_dir populated with output files in NetCDF format with each file corresponding to each hour between 2016-01-01 to 2016-01-10.

In the following table, we display the CPU timing information for a few realizations that we tested:

Realization Number of CPUs Initialization Time (s) Ngen Computation Time (s) Routing Computation Time (s) Total Time (s)
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_trt.json 32 958.1 2288.4 3694.1 6940.6
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_cfe_trt.json 32 1069.8 4606.3 4474.1 10150.2
conus_bmi_multi_realization_config_w_sloth_noah_pet_smp_sft_cfe_trt.json 32 2142.0 5632.4 4510.3 12284.7
  • trt - abbreviation for t-route
  • For all other abbreviations, see Resource Usage.