crosstab_df (DataFrame[Crosstab_df]) – Crosstab DataFrame with candidate, benchmark, and agreement values as well as the counts for each occurrence.
positive_categories (Optional[Union[Number, Iterable[Number]]]) – Number or list of numbers representing the values to consider as the positive condition. For average types “macro” and “weighted”, this represents the categories to compute metrics for.
negative_categories (Optional[Union[Number, Iterable[Number]]], default = None) – Number or list of numbers representing the values to consider as the negative condition. This should be set to None when no negative categories are used or when the average type is “macro” or “weighted”.
metrics (Union[str, Iterable[str]], default = "all") – String or list of strings representing metrics to compute.
average (str, default = "micro") – Type of average to use when computing metrics. Options are “micro”, “macro”, and “weighted”.
Micro weighing computes the conditions, tp, tn, fp, and fn, for each category and then sums them.
Macro weighing computes the metrics for each category then averages them.
Weighted average computes the metrics for each category then averages them weighted by the number of weights argument in each category.
subsampling_average (Optional[str], default = None) – Way to aggregate statistics for subsamples if provided. Options are “sample”, “band”, and “full-detail”
Sample calculates metrics and averages the results by subsample
Band calculates metrics and averages all the metrics by band
Full-detail does not aggregation on subsample or band