add a file as a record in the RRASSLED structure
in_file = NULL,
path_to_ras_dbase = NULL,
code_to_place_in_source = NULL,
proj_override = NULL,
apply_vdat_trans = FALSE,
is_quiet = FALSE,
is_verbose = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE
- in_file
the path to the file on disk that we want to ingest, Default: NULL
- code_to_place_in_source
a code to place in the metadata as the owner of the model, Default: NULL
- proj_override
a string to override projection information should none be found, Default: NULL
- apply_vdat_trans
Should VDATUM be applied to the HEC-RAS model geometry. See, Default: FALSE
- is_quiet
flag to determine whether print statements are suppressed, TRUE to suppress messages and FALSE to show them, Default: FALSE
- is_verbose
flag to determine whether internal print statements (i.e. cross section parsing, vdat trans, file info) are suppressed, TRUE to show these messages and FALSE to suppress them, Default: FALSE
- overwrite
overwrite files if we find identical models, Default: FALSE
- ras_dbase
A path to a directory to write your RRASSLED catalog to., Default: NULL
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# ras_dbase <- "./inst/extdata/sample_output/ras_catalog/"
# dir_to_scrape <- "./inst/extdata/sample_ras/FEMA-R6-BLE-sample-dataset/"
dir_to_scrape <- fs::path_package("extdata/shapes.fgb", package = "mypkg")
list_of_prj_files <- list.files(dir_to_scrape,pattern = glob2rx("*.prj$"),full.names = TRUE, = TRUE,recursive = TRUE)
disk_ingest_record(in_file = list_of_prj_files[1], path_to_ras_dbase = ras_dbase,code_to_place_in_source = "test",proj_override = "EPSG:2277",apply_vdat_trans = FALSE,is_quiet = FALSE,is_verbose = FALSE,overwrite = FALSE)
dir_to_scrape <- "./inst/extdata/sample_ras/ras2fim-sample-dataset/"
list_of_prj_files <- list.files(dir_to_scrape,pattern = glob2rx("*.prj$"),full.names = TRUE, = TRUE,recursive = TRUE)
disk_ingest_record(in_file = list_of_prj_files[1], path_to_ras_dbase = ras_dbase,code_to_place_in_source = "test",proj_override = "EPSG:26915",apply_vdat_trans = FALSE,is_quiet = FALSE,is_verbose = TRUE,overwrite = FALSE)
} # }